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FAMILY Handprint Painting

By Nicole Cerquitella, Publisher June 7, 2020

Family Hand Print Canvas


1 canvas (we used a 15x 30 gallery wrapped canvas)

acrylic paints (small bottles of acrylic craft paints are perfect, at least 1 color per family member)

painter's tape or vinyl wall letters





1) Using a ruler lightly mark in pencil the placement of your letters for your word "FAMILY" (or any other word you choose), centering it on the canvas   

2) If using Vinyl letters, affix them in place on the canvas and press hard in place according to your measurements.  If using painter's tape, cut your painter's tape in pieces to form each of the letters you need, and place them in the proper positioning per your measurements and markings.

3) You'll want to work with one color paint at a time.  It is important to let the paint dry well between colors, so that your colors don't blend and bleed.

4) Place a moderately thick coat of paint of your first chosen color all over the palm and fingers of the hand to be printed.  Decide where on the canvas you wish to place the hand print and press down firmly and evenly, ensuring all fingers and palm are pressed down with even force (to the extent on the canvas.   Lift straight up.  Add more paint between hand prints.

5)  Once dry, repeat with a different color.  You can design as you choose - either every family member can have their own color hand prints, or every family member can do 1 or more hand prints in each color - let your creativity guide you.

6) Once you have painted all handprints, let the canvas dry well - approximately 24 to 48 hours.  

7) Gently pull off vinyl letters/painter's tape to reveal your stenciled word under the beautiful mosaic of handprints.

8) Hang someplace special!  (I recommend putting a date either on the canvas itself for all to see, or at least on the back of the canvas to remind you of this time!